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The online membership community of women determined to rewrite their health story and thrive.

Do you find yourself...

Knowing exactly what to do to lose weight and improve your health, but struggling to stay committed and consistent? 


Feeling like life's curveballs keep knocking you off course from achieving your health goals?


Knowing that a strong mindset is crucial for health success, but unsure what that looks like exactly, and how to develop one? 


Overwhelmed by fears, doubts, or lingering thoughts of past failures?


Isolated in your health journey, wishing for a community that understands and supports your struggles?


With emotional ups and downs that dictate your eating habits more than you’d like to admit?

Hidden habits hold the key to unlocking your health potential!


While diet and exercise are important, it's our hidden thinking and feeling habits that truly shape our health.


If you’re feeling stuck, despite your best efforts, it's time to uncover these hidden habits and unleash the transformation you've been longing for.

Inside the Wellness Mastery Society, you'll join Coach Jen Hoyer, to learn and master the Brain Boss Method, access personalized growth tools and resources, participate in transformation coaching sessions, and evolve alongside a private community of women just like you - all dedicated to uncovering and overcoming the mental and emotional barriers to weight loss.
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What's waiting for you inside:

A monthly infusion of education, application, and support to help you reach your weight loss and health goals. 


Monthly Workshops

Dive into a new workshop topics every month designed to address the most common emotional and mental obstacles in weight loss like negative self talk, self sabotage, lack of motivation and more. See the 2024 schedule here.  Need specific help? Add your request and help us build the topic library based on community needs. 


Live Coaching & Q&A Sessions

These sessions offer invaluable support as you apply the principles and techniques covered in our workshops to your unique situations. As your coach, I'll help you address challenges you encounter, and provide personalized guidance. These sessions are the perfect opportunity to receive tailored support for your individual journey.


Monthly Book Discussions

We'll learn from some of the most knowledgeable authors and thought leaders on wellbeing. This book club offers a monthly opportunity to expand our knowledge, and learn from engaging discussions on the path to wellness mastery. Join in for new insights into mental and emotional wellbeing, self mastery and the science of true wellbeing.


Weekly Inspiration Shorts - Wednesday Wisdom

Weekly doses of wisdom in short (less than 10 min) messages, tips and stories to inspire you, and reinforce what is taught in the Monthly Workshops. Every bit helps, and these will be available as a video, or in the private podcast so you can listen on the go. 


Private Community & Optional Accountability Pods

When you're part of a community of like-minded people, you're 3x more likely to reach your goals. The more you put in, the more you get out. There will also be optional accountability pods made up of community members. It's simple - meet every 2 weeks to declare your commitment, then report out on your progress. Short, simple, and incredibly powerful!


Monthly Challenges to Apply What You Learn

When we apply what we learn, it changes from knowledge to wisdom! Join monthly challenges with journal prompts and other activities to practice what you learn with hands-on application.

Workshops & Weekly Inspirations available on a Private Podcast Feed so you can listen while you walk, drive or do chores.

Get Support any time! Submit your questions and needs in the private community for support in between coaching sessions and workshops.

Request topics for future Workshops and monthly themes based on obstacles or challenges you need help with.

Access to a growing library of workshops, weekly inspirations, book discussions, and coaching sessions for as long as you are a member. 

And these additional benefits:

Bonus #1
Get access to the Course: Brain Boss Basics (a $297 value)

This course will help set the tone for our time together. You'll learn why becoming the boss of your brain is the most important thing you can do for your weight loss and health journey. You'll also learn the basic tools we'll employ in the workshops and why these tools are the key to changing your health trajectory and your life! 

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Bonus #2
Get access to a growing library of Healthy Recipes and Health Guides

I'll share new healthy recipes with you every month. And, access a growing library of health guides to help you in your journey including guides like: sugar replacement guide, carbohydrate guide, healthy brand recommendations, protein guide, and more. Even if you know what to do, these resources can be super helpful in your journey!

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Want to solve the maddening problem of knowing what to do, and not doing it? 

Do you struggle with the strange paradox of knowing what to do, yet continuing not to do it? It's part of the human condition that exists when ​​we focus more on doing than we do on becoming. I believe it is the missing piece in most weight loss and health journeys. Once you learn how to flex your mental and emotional muscles, the rest falls into place. I'll teach you how!

Women Holding Hands
"The benefits that I have received through your teachings is incredible. I am thoroughly enjoying this. There are so many coaches out there and I allowed myself to pick one and follow that track for the year. I selected you and I know I made the right decision."

Faith B.

We all need a little extra support

I created the Wellness Mastery Society as a space for real, sustainable transformations in health and weight loss. While many of us focus on 'doing' habits—like diet, exercise, hydration, and sleep—true, lasting change begins from the inside out. 


Sustainable weight loss is a journey complete with challenges, setbacks, and what I call 'hidden habits.' These are the ingrained thought and emotional patterns that often keep us stuck or cause us to slip back into less healthy routines and habits.


In the Wellness Mastery Society, we dive deep to address the underlying causes of common issues like dwindling motivation, stalled momentum, and self-sabotage. If you find yourself stuck or backsliding, I’m here to guide you out of those patterns and set you back on the path to success.


Joining the Wellness Mastery Society means you never have to go it alone. I am here to teach, inspire, and coach—to answer your questions and equip you with the tools and support you need until maintaining your health becomes a natural part of who you are.


Hope to see you inside this empowered community where we can rewrite your health story!


2024 Schedule - Monthly Topics

January - Self Sabotage

February - Overcoming Negative Self Talk

March - How to Stop Buffering (using external sources of pleasure to create internal relief)

April - Ferocious Self Acceptance

May - Manufacturing Motivation

June - Real Self Care

July - Purpose Driven Health

August - Rediscover Your Self Worth

September - The Unselfish Art of Prioritizing Yourself

October - Thriving During the Holidays 

November & December - Happy Healthy Holidays


Plus, provide input on what hot topics you need help with. I'll use your input to build future workshops and special bonus sessions. 


*Topics subject to change based on feedback and community needs

Are you ready to Create Health from the Inside Out? 

If that's a "Heck Yes, I'm ready!" I invite you to enroll today. 

Cancel Easily, Anytime, No Hard Feelings!

I want to support you for as long as you need help, so stay as long as you want. This is a no-obligation, cancel-any-time-you-want membership. It's not one of those memberships that has a time commitment contract, hidden fees, or requires 30-day written notice to cancel. Plain and simple, I want to help you on your journey to better health in any way I can. If you feel you're no longer benefiting from the membership, we can part ways, with no hard feelings. Really!


Because this is a no-obligation membership, I have a strong NO MONEY BACK GUARANTEE for this membership. I'm also pretty darn certain you'll be happy with the content, so this won't matter to you. You most likely already went through the Atomic Habits book club, or are a BB2WL alumni, so you know me, my teaching style and the value-packed sessions I provide. 

  • Cancel any time

  • No Commitment

  • Your price is locked in for as long as you continue your membership

Other Q&A

Q. What does the monthly schedule look like? 

A. All sessions take place on Wednesdays during each month. We'll kick off the month with a workshop, then have a coaching session the second week, followed by the book study on the third week and another coaching session on the fourth week. The time slots for each session will rotate between daytime (11:30 am Central) and evening (6:30 pm Central) to accommodate differing schedules.


Q. Where will the workshops, book study and coaching be held? 

A. All sessions will be on Zoom, and replays will be posted in our community site as well as on a private podcast feed. 


Q. What if I can't make all the sessions? 

A. Jump in any time! There is no need to feel compelled to catch up or take any of the workshops in order. As a library of workshops is built, you can use the search feature to find key words for topics that interest you. For example, you could search 'emotional eating,' and find every video or piece of content that references emotional eating, then decide what to watch. This space is for you! You're never behind and please, never feel like you need to catch up. Just start where you are! 


Q. What is the difference between this and Brain Boss to Weight Loss? 

A. The Brain Boss to Weight Loss is a comprehensive 10-week group coaching program that encompasses four key pillars: Boss Your Brain, Design Your Identity, Nourish Your Body, and Elevate Your Habits. This intensive program is designed to tackle both the physical and mental aspects of health and weight loss, providing a holistic approach to transformation.


The Wellness Mastery Society is specifically tailored to those who understand the basics of diet and exercise but find that mastering the mental and emotional challenges is their biggest hurdle. In the Society, we focus exclusively on the mental and emotional aspects of your health journey, offering ongoing support and tools to help you overcome mental blocks, enhance emotional resilience, and achieve lasting change. It's perfect for those who are ready to dive deeper into the psychological factors that influence health and want a supportive community focused on these critical, often overlooked aspects of wellness.


The Wellness Mastery Society is also a great follow on to BB2WL or the Atomic Habits book club. 

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